The Multi-Option ADR Project of the San Mateo County, California Superior Court has existed since 1996 and is a partnership of the court, bar and community (p.4). This evaluation outlines the history, case status, type of appropriate dispute resolution (ADR) processes used, the effect of ADR on the court and party satisfaction of the Civil ADR Program, the Probate ADR Program, the Family Law ADR Program, the Small Claims Mediation Program, the Judicial Arbitration Program, the Juvenile Mediation Program - Delinquency and Juvenile Mediation Program - Dependency. Statistics gathered are from the July 2007 through July 2008 time period. The evaluation also includes evaluation forms for attorneys and clients.
Superior Court of California, San Mateo County - Multi-Option ADR Project Evaluation Report July 2007 - July 2008
Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo. Jan. 1, 2009