Under these rules, the clerk may require all parties to attend a mediation in any matter in which the clerk has original or exclusive jurisdiction. Mediation may also be ordered upon request of a party. The parties may select a mediator, though the clerk may make the selection if a choice is not made within the time limit. The rules outline procedures for conducting mediation, including scheduling, attendance requirements, payment of fees, sanctions for failure to attend or to pay fees, authority and duties of mediators, compensation, and mediator certification and qualifications.
Rules Implementing Mediation in Matters Before the Clerk of the North Carolina Superior Court
Superior Court of North Carolina. Apr. 1, 2014https://www.nccourts.gov/assets/inline-files/Clerkallrules.pdf?V1gp3Q7nuxIygvxPA7UCwSf5UElRzwtw