This rule applies to mediators serving in the Statewide Mediation Program for civil, general equity and probate cases, and mediators serving in the Family Economic Mediation Program. Mediators serve for free for the first two hours in a mediation that is court-ordered. The two hours will be divided equally between preparation time and the first mediation session. At the first session, the mediation will disclose how much time has been spent preparing for the case and when the free mediation time is over. If the session will go beyond that time and the mediator intends to charge the parties for the additional time, the mediator must disclose that fact to the parties. Parties shall share the costs of the mediator equally, as determined by the mediator, or as agreed by the parties. The rule further discusses scheduling and billing procedures, among other topics.
Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey Appendix XXVI: Guidelines for the Compensation of Mediators Serving in the Civil Mediation Program
Supreme Court of New Jersey. Sep. 1, 2018