This study examines the implementation and outcomes of Child Protection Services mediation programs in 12 counties around Texas. Survey data was collected from judges, mediators, staff, and mediation participants to determine the settlement rate and satisfaction of those involved in the program. Successful practices were also identified. The study found that the programs had an over all full settlement rate of 66%, that there was a high level of satisfaction with the program, and that the program saved Galveston County an estimated $4,036,746 between January 1999 and September 2000.
Description of Study: Examination of 12 county-wide child protection mediation programs in Texas
Method: Looked at program records, provided questionnaires and conducted interviews with at least 4 program participants at each site (chosen from court judiciary, mediators, prosecutors, attorneys ad litem, and CPS (state child welfare agency) staff).
Comparative: No
Sample Size: 795 family members, 53 professionals who participated in the programs
Variables Examined: Perception of fairness, judgment of value of mediation compared to traditional adjudication, issues dealt with in mediations, backgrounds of mediators and participants
Program Variables: Voluntary program with mediations provided by volunteers without cost to the parties. Programs had been in place 1-3 years prior to the study.
Findings: Lawyers believed they worked the same amount of time as for a trial, but other interviewees said mediation would save courts money (attorneys are paid by the court).
76% of parents, relatives, and children thought the process was fair, whereas 88% of non-relative participants thought so. 88% of parties felt understood, 89% felt listened to, 88% felt all issues were equally presented. 85% of parents, relatives and children thought mediation was more effective than a court hearing; 77% of non-relative participants thought so.
The agreement rate was 66% full, 11% partial, and 4% full pending further information.
Galveston Countyreported a savings of $4,036,746 in 21 months.