This report describes the work of the New York Community Dispute Resolution Centers Program (CDRCP) from April 1, 2000 through March 31, 2001. It describes the activity for all community dispute resolution centers throughout the state, and includes certification standards for mediators in the centers. In 2000-2001, 26,472 conciliations, mediations and arbitrations took place with 63,641 individuals involved. In this time period, 86 percent of cases mediated or conciliated resulted in voluntary agreements and mediators logged more than 35,850 hours of pro bono services through community dispute resolution centers. Thirty-seven percent of referrals for alternative dispute resolution came from New York courts, a decrease from fiscal year 1993-1994, where 51 percent of cases referred to the program were from the court system. Finally, this report addresses training of neutrals and program management, and provides a list of agencies that contract with CDRCP.
New York Community Dispute Resolution Centers Program 2000-2001 Annual Report
Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs. Jan. 1, 2001