Under this rule, cases may be referred to ADR on the court's own motion, on motion by a party, upon request by all parties, or when otherwise required by statute or rule. Approved ADR processes included, but aren't limited to, mediation, nonbinding arbitration and early neutral evaluation. The rule gives varying procedures for selection/appointment of ADR providers depending upon the type of case being litigated. Further, the rule provides requirements regarding application to the roster of approved providers, the filing of evaluations and reports, and provider duties and immunity. Appendices list the qualifications for arbitrators and early neutral evaluators, as well as mediator qualifications for family; small claims; environmental, land use and natural gas pipeline; district court civil; superior court civil; and forcible entry and detainer cases.
Maine Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Service Operational Rules
Supreme Court of Maine. Adopted November 26, 1996; last amended September 2010http://www.courts.state.me.us/maine_courts/adr/pdf/Op%20Rules%20FINAL%201-14-11.pdf