This study was conducted to determine if collection rates differ between mediated and adjudicated small claims cases in Michigan district courts. The study surveyed 600 small claims plaintiffs and found that 79 percent of cases resolved through mediation received full or partial payment and 56 percent of non-mediated cases received full or partial payment. These statistics support the authors' hypothesis that mediated cases result in higher collection rates (p.4) and lead the authors to conclude that "mediation is an effective strategy for addressing small claims issues" (p.2). The authors also recommend "creating a statewide database of mediation cases, conducting a simple process analysis of mediation activities across courts, and expanding mediation to cases over $3,000" (p.2).
District Court, Small Claims Division Mediation in Michigan: Comparing Collection Rates in Adjudicated and Mediated Cases
Donohue, William A.; Atkin, Charles K.. Aug. 2, 2004