Under this rule, any contested matter filed in the Chancery Division may be referred to mediation by order of the court, by motion, or by stipulation. Mediators are selected and paid by the parties unless an appropriate case is referred to the Center for Conflict Resolution, which provides mediation services at no cost to the parties. The mediation procedures are outlined in the rule, which also states that the court shall decide on a case-by-case basis whether to stay or continue discovery during the mediation process. Also covered in the rule are confidentiality and the qualifications needed to be placed on the court's roster.
Cook County, Illinois, Circuit Court Local Rule 21 - Chancery Division Court-Annexed Mediation
Cook County, Illinois, Circuit Court Chancery Division. Dec. 13, 2006http://www.cookcountycourt.org/FORATTORNEYSLITIGANTS/RulesoftheCourt.aspx