This report was produced by the Commission on The Future of the West Virginia Judicial System, which was appointed by the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia in 1997. During its initial meeting, the Commission identified five Criteria for Excellence in Judicial Administration: 1) access to justice, 2) expedition and timeliness, 3) equality, fairness and integrity, 4) independence and accountability and 5) public trust and confidence. One of the issues addressed under 'equality, fairness and integrity is the 'integration of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms in the court process' for appropriate civil cases. The section outlines ADR practices in West Virginia and highlights court rules pertaining to mediation, the most commonly used form of ADR. The Commission recommended that the West Virginia Legislature create a statewide office to "systematically integrate ADR into the court system and increase the use of ADR statewide" (p.49), among other recommendations.
Commission on The Future of the West Virginia Judicial System Final Report
Commission on The Future of the West Virginia Judicial System. Dec. 1, 1998