This study surveyed Illinois organizations which deal with youth misconduct to find how many used restorative justice, determine agencies' use of central components of restorative justice, and inventory such practices across the state. 152 individuals participated in the survey and 95 organizations were inventoried. The study found that 54 Illinois counties use restorative justice practices in a variety of organizations. Of respondents who specified practices, 40% use peer juries while victim-offender mediation (23%), circles (17%) and family group conferencing (16%) were also used. Respondents also reported the extent of their organization's use of five components of restorative justice: offender involvement and experience of justice, victim involvement and experience of justice, victim-offender relationships, community involvement, and experience of problem-solving through restorative justice. 23% highly incorporated all five components.
An Inventory and Examination of Restorative Justice Practices for Youth in Illinois
Burke, Kimberly S.. Jan. 1, 2013