Under this rule, all cases valued between $10,000 and $50,000 are transferred to mandatory arbitration at filing. Other cases so valued but not transferred by the clerk may be referred to the program by the court at a status conference or pre-trial hearing. Small claims cases in which a jury demand is filed are also subject to this rule. The rule calls for the case to be heard by a panel of three arbitrators, who are paid by the court. It outlines the qualifications necessary to be placed on the court's roster. Also discussed are the procedure for filing the award and for rejecting the award. The rule also imposes sanctions upon a party who rejects the reward, proceeds through trial and does not achieve a verdict better than the arbitration award.
22nd Judicial Circuit of Illinois Court Rules, Part 17.00: Mandatory Arbitration
22nd Judicial Circuit of Illinois. Jan. 1, 2007https://www.mchenrycountyil.gov/home/showdocument?id=89339